The Seniors’ Ministry- There is a monthly luncheon! The purpose is to care for our “Over Fifty” friends, such as enjoying a meal together, having fun and help them to have richer lives. Most volunteer work for the church is done by our seniors, and they are the stabilizing force of the church! Awesome people! “Over Fifty” may be the new forty!?
Visiting care facilities, homes and hospitals to encourage the sick and elderly is a way to show our love! There are lots of non-church folk we like to meet there, too. So many good stories! Presently we also have two people who regularly go during the weekdays, offering prayers, words of encouragement and true friendship. They are welcomed with smiles!
Bible Study/Prayer Groups are the strength of the local church! Here we can grow into spiritual maturity and hone our God-given gifts. Then, we learn to use those gifts to help people in our world, as we are activated by the Holy Spirit! We lead these sessions on Wednesday nights, Friday mornings, and Sunday, during the 9 AM Worship Service. It’s a great way to make new friends, hang out and share life together.
-Pastor Don & Mary
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