Discovery. I absolutely love the fact that we’re challenged to discover real gifts that we posses.
I have the incredible opportunity to connect with our students. Real and authentic Jr High and High school students, right here in our city. In the past, spending too much time on Social Media would find me looking at various Youth Pastors throughout and witness thriving ministry. I would then find myself doing everything that I could to emulate the culture that these phenomenal Youth Pastors were creating. The more I strived to create a reflection of what I thought would attract young people, the less I actually wanted to be apart of what I was taking place. The expression of ministry that I saw looked like everything that didn’t belong.
I was reminded by a friend to create a place that I myself would wake up everyday with the pulsating desire to be apart of. So, I began playing to my strengths. I’m loud, so I’m at every game or competition screaming my lungs out for our students. I’m passionate, so my attitude, my behavior, my conversation is filled with excitement. I’m competitive, so all that surrounds what we do for Coast City Youth is done with a constant inspiration to do it better than before.
Strengths. Once discovered, the confidence to wake up everyday and apply those gifts from God to every part of your life will not only alter your world but also shift the lives of those around you. We get to reflect the greatness of God, not through the image that He’s designed for someone else but according to the rich and satisfying life that He purposed for every person in their own unique way.
– Matthew Segi
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