We embrace audacious generosity as a lifestyle. We teach and practice the Biblical principle of tithing. Tithe means a tenth. When we tithe, we give 10% of our income to God. God not only calls us to give as an act of obedience but to give generously. Through your generosity we also have the ability to partner with local and global outreach projects to share the hope of Jesus.  


Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. – Deuteronomy 15:10

Our heart is both local and global, because this is also God’s heart. Through Kingdom Builders, we all have the opportunity to participate in this great mission that Jesus Christ asked us to be a part of. We are full of FAITH for all that God is going to do in the year to come, and continually humbled that He would use Coast City to be apart of spreading the hope of Jesus around the world!

We are so thankful for all God has done through Kingdom Builders, and He’s just getting started! How amazing is it that God has called you and me to build His kingdom here on Earth? We will do whatever it takes to see HOPE brought to those who have none and to see freedom shared generously, all through the power of the Holy Spirit.



You can use a debit or credit card to give online. Giving through Church Center is designed to be one of the safest ways to send money online. Unlike other financial institutions, your payments are sent without sharing financial information and are encrypted with top notch security.


Texting your giving amount to 84321. You will be sent a link that will take you to the set up page for a one time credit/debit card setup process. Then you will be able to text any amount to that number and know your giving amount is sent directly to the church.


Bring check or cash on a Sunday morning and use a Giving Envelope to drop it in the giving station. 

Mail checks to: 

420 N. El Camino Real 
Oceanside, CA 92058


Use Venmo to give. Please add a note for general giving or if you are designating to a specific fun.

Our user handle is @coastcitychurch