As I sit in the bustling land of focused, get it done humans, my imagination is drawn to tomorrow and the location where fire came down from heaven and consumed an altar. A show of pure majestic power and might. Even as we in California and around the world morn the loss of a prolific basketball player, his daughter and many of his friends, the value of life is extra bright for me today. I really didn’t want to leave my kids, my friends and family but there was no way I was going to miss the opportunity to see where Jesus’ feet stood and where fire fell to change the perspective of a nation. I have this question that looms large in my mind as I prepare to board the plane, what will it take to change our perspective? What will happen that will cause us to turn from our ways and see Jesus for who Jesus truly is? No doubt the world looks so different today but in the view of eternity, the realities of life, the needs we have, the worries we hold on to and our hopes really haven’t changed that much.
God, would you help us to see you with eyes that are teachable and hungry for YOUR will in place of mine. We do in fact see our need for you, we are desperate for your will to be done in our lives. Lead us God, into your will. Not my will but yours be done.
Love you guys and gals!!! More to come.

I Love you two! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!
You two are an amazing couple who truly shine for Jesus.
May your adventure be filled with the Holy Spirit and guides you two!
Can’t wait to see & hear what God is going to do on your trip.
Love you guys!