Doug and Gretchen Reid
Lead Pastors
The Reids came to Oceanside from Sacramento California where they’ve served as executive pastors at Capital Christian Center. Doug and Gretchen have been involved in church ministry since they were in their early 20’s. Doug attended Northwest Bible College and is a lifelong learner. The Reid’s have four boys, Tate, Kiah, Bo and Drew along with two daughters in law, Angelique and Madison. They adore their four grandchildren, Lennon, Indie, Brixton, and Tatum. The Reid family motto is; Love Loud, Laugh Lots and Forgive Often. God has given them a love for the city and the people of Oceanside and are passionate about leading people to live a full life powered by Christ.
Doug’s Social Media
Gretchen’s Social Media

Abimael & Paula De Leon
Spanish Church Pastors

Frank Cortes
Fire Shop Ministry Leader

Carmela Gutierrez
Sisterhood Ministry Leader