Confession: I love today’s culture! Honestly, I think these are some of the best days yet. Brutal truth: I have lost some morals without even being fully aware of it. That is not to place blame on the modern world. I just begin to blend in too much with who I am not. Sanctification slithers away as I consume myself with Instagram likes and the latest Nike sneakers. As a result, I miss out on God’s best. Cluttered and ambushed by societal pressures and busyness, we sometimes get lost in a mess, if not careful. In a world where trends and media become our blueprint on how to live a pleasurable life, we unknowingly venture away from living a God-pleasing life. God forgives, forgets, gives grace, and renders a love that has no comparison— we know these truths. We live and breathe these truths. It is when we make these truths our cozy seats, to comfort us in our sin, that we have to stand back up, stand against, and stand firm. These truths should be at our forefront to lead us by, not trail behind.
God intends for us to live a full life, an enjoyable life, a FUN life! So awesome! Amongst such abundance, He also calls us to live one that pleases Him — a Holy and Honorable lifestyle. You may think this is too far removed from you. If you scoffed and reacted with doubt, you are not alone. It is our innate reaction to hide behind our excuses because simply, we do not deem ourselves worthy of living up to such standards. First off, pause because, Friend, you are actually worth it ALL! “Well, How can we be sinners and holy at the same time?” is probably your big question. Great question.
Pastor Doug stamped a vital verse onto Sunday’s message, “ An urgent call” to help us begin the process. The first step is to ask for God’s supernatural help, by “creating in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (psalm 51:10). We cannot wash our hands with dirt, we still have to clean our dishwashers of gunk before placing our used plates in there. In the same way, we cannot wash our sins with sin. A pure heart leads to pure thinking, which leads to pure actions.
The Moral Revolution is YOUR revolution to live out your best. Perhaps you can’t see past your sins — you just can’t vision a better version of yourself. You are stuck in the yuck. Great news, you are actually not stuck, there is a speedy way out of there. Trust God for a good heart clean up, allow him to detail every part of you. A pure heart is the ignition for a pure lifestyle. As I am writing about this, I am thinking about the gunk in my life, and how difficult it is for me to clean it up because I naturally want to go back in time and erase each sin — but how easy it is for Jesus to wash them away as I move forward. Cleaning out our hearts does not mean cleaning out our past; but a pure heart advances us to a Moral present, with no burdens, no guilt. No strings attached, complete satisfaction guaranteed. What is God saying to you when it comes purifying your heart? Let’s get it going!
-Myra Segi
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