To cherish a desire with anticipation, to want something to happen. To develop Trust. Wow, Hope is a transitive verb, an action. I love the thought of Hope and the actual affect hope has on the human condition. I know that when I feel hopeful, there’s a sense of anticipation and excitement for what is to come. However, I’ve learned the opposite of hope actually comes more naturally, without effort and most of the time without a conscious decision. None of us want to live a life of despair, hurt, fear and anxiety but we often accept these feelings as normal. Ray Johnston wrote in his book “Hope Quotient”, that when people lose hope, despair replaces joy, fear replaces faith, anxiety replaces prayer and insecurity replaces confidence. Does any of this sound familiar to you? I think at points in all of our lives, we are fighting the battle to maintain HOPE. HOPE, helps me to stay encouraged and fit for the fight. If your lacking Hope, the question you are probably asking is, “how do I develop hope?”.
We all have the ability to do things that breeds hope in our lives. For example, choosing to spend time with people that are encouraging rather than negative or constantly competitive. We can use gratitude as a tool that leads us to Hope. Taking time daily to be thankful, will immediately bring focus to the positive and help us eliminate discouragement and doubt. Most importantly and first and foremost, we all need to re-charge our batteries. Are you sleeping enough to wake up feeling refreshed and ready? Are you giving yourself time off to enjoy life, to go to the beach or whatever it is that breaths life into your soul. Listen to people who speak life into your soul and be the person that speaks life into others. These are just a couple key elements in developing hope that will eat the discouragement out of your life.
These simple, yet critical steps will help all of us, build a life of HOPE.
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