The desire of Transformations is to provide support and healing in a variety of ways consistent with God’s Word, God’s power and the variety of personalities needing healing.
Recognizing that people come from a variety of backgrounds, we desire to cross superficial religious boundaries in order to aid healing, while maintaining the strength and support of the person’s religious background.
Everyone experiences difficult and trying times in their lives. In many cases, these burdens become so great that seeking help from others is a logical choice. We know that our trained staff will be a blessing to you in your time of need. People come to us for many reasons.
Here are a few of the most common:
Spiritual Needs
Stress Marital Difficulties
Separation and Divorce
Grief Anger Management
Addictive Disorders
Certified: Critical Incident Stress
Management Parenting
Teen-Parent Relationships
Adjustment Disorders
Step-Parenting Issues
Anxiety and Phobic Disorders

Dr. Allen Breckenridge
- B.S., M.A., M.Div., and D.Min.
- Marriage and Family Therapist for over 25 years
- Pastoral Counseling
- Military Chaplain Counselor to Diverse Religious Backgrounds for 19 years
- Referrals from Commanders, Psychologists, Chaplains, and Pastors
- Major Counseling Role during Desert Shield/Desert Storm
- Numerous Lectures on Christian’s View of Self and World
- Led Sharing and Coping Groups Continuously for 16 Years
- Trained Leaders for Facilitating Small Groups
- License #MFT44444
Dr. Allen Breckenridge
- B.S., M.A., M.Div., and D.Min.
- Marriage and Family Therapist for over 25 years
- Pastoral Counseling
- Military Chaplain Counselor to Diverse Religious Backgrounds for 19 yearsv
- Referrals from Commanders, Psychologists, Chaplains and Pastors
- Major Counseling Role during Desert Shield/Desert Storm
- Numerous Lectures on Christian’s View of Self and World
- Led Sharing and Coping Groups Continuously for 16 Years
- Trained Leaders for Facilitating Small Groups
- License #MFT44444
One on One Therapy
Couples Counseling
Group Therapy
Psychological Assesment
Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator
Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis
Other Assessments as Needed
Historically the cost of receiving professional counseling has been expensive. For this
For more information call us at 760.439.CARE [760.439.2273]