There’s something powerful about a united church, singing an anthem of worship to our God. I love that there are many ways to worship God, with our gifts and talents, our acts of service, our words etc… but there is something unifying in music!
Some might wonder…what exactly is worship? Well, worship takes our eyes off the busyness of life and turns our attention to Jesus. It is how we show our gratitude for all He has done and all He has yet to do. It’s a chance for us to declare what we believe.
The amazing thing about worship is that there is no prerequisite. Nothing that says we have be in a good spot. We all come from different places in life and regardless of mistakes or setbacks, we are accepted.
Pslam 51:16 says…
“Going through the motions doesn’t please you, a flawless performance is nothing to you. I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered. Heart-shattered lives ready for love don’t for a moment escape God’s notice.”
God is not looking for perfection. He has never asked us to put on an act for Him. He’s saying COME AS YOU ARE! My prayer for you is that you grab onto that and live a life of freedom knowing Jesus already knows you, he knows your heart, your sins, your wins, your fears… He KNOWS you!
And He LOVES you!
I’m am so excited to see Coast City not only sing worship songs but become passionate worshipers!
-Angelique Reid
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